May 19, 2008

Amazing Style

Okay, so I've been addicted to browsing through foto_decadent and checking out the amazing sets that are put up on a daily basis. This new batch is more on the fashion rather than the actual shot themselves, but either way they were beautiful images. Plus, I feel like I've been running out of things to wear, which really isn't the case. Maybe it's due to my slight fatigue that I'm starting to feel lazy in the creativity of my outfits.

So I've been reaching out to some outside sources for inspiration on things to wear for future references. I'd say these shots by Louis Park and Bharat Sikka.

I love the use of short skirts with high white socks and strappy heels. The ankle socks are also extremely adorable, although I think I would have trouble working that into the socks I currently own...although I really do want to try it out. Such amazing shots though, all of these provide such great starting points for future ideas.

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