September 29, 2010

Sept 28th - Returning to Closetbug

It's been forever and a day since I've last been able to bring some life and activity to ClosetBug. Once again summer and come and gone, bringing in a fresh clean slate for my fourth year here at UCSD and a fresh fall haircut. I'm not entirely sure how many inches exactly I cut off (7 would be a fairly good estimate), but I did it a few weeks ago and have loved my hair ever since. While it's true that there isn't nearly as much to do with hair of such short length, I feel like keeping it in curls really brings out a more romantic aesthetic. And it doesn't look half-bad straightened either, so it's just a pleasing overall change.

My first dive back into documenting my outfits comes with the arrival of Vampire Weekend at SOMA in San Diego with Beach House and The Very Best opening for them. It was a rather mediocre set, at least in comparison to my last run-in with Vampire Weekend back in April for Coachella. But it was a great way to just dress up and have fun out.

Floral Bustier - Buffalo Exchange $15
Black Waist Skirt - Banana Republic $12
Lace CoverUp - Thrift Trader $5
Strappy Sandals - Macy's $40

Hope to keep up the blogging streak!