July 15, 2008

Tues July 15th - Flower Child

So I bought myself a tripod today so that I wouldn't have to rely on other more...undependable means? Unfortunately my dad insists I use his old one rather than my new one, and although his is more advanced and of a better brand...I'd feel more comfortable using my own simple tripod. I haven't opened it yet, but I'm still debating on whether I should keep it, although my dad is extremely insistent I just use his.

But I had a nice lunch today with an old friend from High School. It was interesting to see how we both had changed since a year ago, gossiping as we ate sushi and played with her adorable 3 kittens. This weekend I should be having a mini-picnic with another friend, which should be a great afternoon filled with animal crackers and pictures.

Dress - Thrifted, The Salvation Army
Socks - Ross
Shoes - Thrifted, Lincoln Thrift


Sharon said...

What a gorgeous dress-a great find!!

Lydia said...

I have a dress that's like the white version of this one, i really need to hem it so I can look as cute as you!

yiqin; said...

I love how you paired socks wit it ;) Awesome. You always manage to thrift such nice stuffs!!

Gabby said...

What a pretty dress! I'm in love with florals this summer.

stacyinsaddleshoes said...

Thise kitte white socks are perfect with those shoes and dress.you should wear them more often.it is a great look on you