July 10, 2009

Thursday July 9th - The Boyfriend Birthday

Yesterday night was my boyfriend's 21st birthday and had his celebrations at Dave & Busters so that all us underaged folks could get in. (For those who don't know, Dave & Busters is a bar/arcade place where people can just drink and play!) It was an exciting night, and I was so happy to be there and take part in it!

It was also noted somewhere else that I was kind of a clothes snob...and I admit I am. I honestly feel like I wouldn't be where I'm at now without being highly selective of what clothes I wear and buy. In my head, if I'm not really selective of what clothes I wear and how I present myself with my clothes, I wouldn't have a fine-tuned sense of my style and aesthetic. Is it terrible of me to be a "fashion snob"? Am I the only one in the fashion blogging world that thinks like this?

Anyways, here's what I wore to the celebrations. It was between this get up or a fancy black cocktail dress, except my boyfriend insisted that I dress "casual" for the night. So, believe it or not, this is my "casual" way of dressing haha.

Black Blouse - Gap
High-Waisted Shorts - Gap
Gold Chain Purse - Thrifted, Working Wardrobes
Derby Hat - F21
Cami - Borrowed from the sister
Lace up Heels - Ross


Anna-Maria said...

I love your "casual" outfit! I feel exactly the same, I'm such a fashion snob sometimes. It has it good sides though, for example, you end up making less mistake acquiries for your wardrobe. You know exactly whats "you" and what looks good. Fashion makes you cautious about yourself and your surroundings but I kinda like it. :)

fashion is my husband said...

you look lovely;)

nikky said...

aww, i love your hat-especially with the outfit!

i wish i could finally find a nice black hat that would actually fit me!

D. said...

ah yes forever 21 is such a money hole! maybe we should just stick to accessories?

about the clothes snob thing, don't feel bad about it. i'm a fellow clothes snob too, and as long as u don't hurt anybody, i don't see why there's a reason to worry. :] plus, it's hella fun to dress up. and ur hair looks so beautiful curling out of ur hat like that. makes me wish i had long hair again.

Charmaine said...

haha that looks casual but still chic to me :] and what the hell is clothes snob? how does one become that?!
ah, dave and busters, the playground for adults. kinda rawr at them because they replaced the kids arcade in the mall :[

Sharon said...

Hi there-hope you all had a fabulous time! A great casual chic outfit and I can totally relate to being a fashion snob, I wish I was one years earlier!!

PinkBow said...

i like this very much as a 'casual' outfit - very stylish!

yiqin; said...

You always wear hats so well! I am so jealous.

Rach said...

Great purse! You thrifted it? What great skills :]

Isabel said...

It think it's rea;;y great that you're so selective with your clothes. I used to just buy whatever I liked at the thrift store, which resulted in me donating massive piles of clothes back a month later. I'm only just starting to learn my lesson!

TheSleekGeek said...

i love this!i love hats!and i t hink u handle it really well!

Olivia said...

love ur looks dear (: btw thanks for visiting. i linked ur blog. mind to link me back ? thankyouuu :)

Miss Woody said...

lovely style !

Dynamite socks said...

Lovely outfit :) great stylee!!


Olga Babenko said...

I like this outfit! Really sweet!