July 12, 2009


It has literally been FOREVER since I invested time into my stuff at Ebay. Well recently I thought I would really put things back together again since I had the time to dedicate myself to this project again.

So, without further ado....ClosetBug@Ebay reopens!

Please do check it out! You can click on the image, the little ad spot I have on the left, or just CLICK ON THIS. Lots of random vintage stuff that I wanted to share with those who love and appreciate vintage fashion! Starting bids don't go over $9.99, and it's very unlikely that you'll have to auction too competitively for pieces so go on ahead and check things out!



I might just bid on that third blouse and white leather jacket, when my salary arrives!
great pieces you have!

rg. said...

lovely black dress

Sharon said...

Such gorgeous pieces, good luck with the selling!!

PinkBow said...

i especially like the top right cream top & black dress - great selection!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Oooh I might do a bit of bidding - great selection!

Noy said...

decided to check your blog out Apple, cause everyone loves more comments.

-noy from dreamers.

Alice said...

great staff! :) That's a pity you don't live nearer to Poland;)

yiqin; said...

Wow, I love the lace dress.

Anonymous said...

congartulations and welcome back!!

The red haired girl said...

Lace dress and white jacket are so beautiful. Thnaks for your comment on my blog :)

Little Bo Peeep said...

Ohh my those are some nice vintage clothing! That black dress with the lacey bit at the top is stunning <3

Charmaine Li said...

Graet pieces! love the lace black dress!

Unknown said...

I like the dress on the bottom right.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, that black lace dress is amazing! And I dig the fringe jacket. It's my first time visiting, but you have a great blog and style!

xo, Becs

Charmaine said...

all the items are cute! i wish i had money :[