June 10, 2009

Thoughts on Turning 20

Of course, here in America you're technically an "adult" at the tender age of 21, but I always felt like 20 was monumental in its own way. As I'm nearing my own birthday a little over a week and a half away, I just really started thinking about what I've been able to accomplish and get done within the last two decades of life given to me.

It also led me to think about goals I set for myself some time back, although most have changed dramatically as interests and wants evolved. In the end I'm satisfied with how life turned out for me. A lot of opportunities have been missed and a lot of goals cut out, but perfection is not easily obtained.

I suppose these thoughts were spurred on by my move out from my room which I've lived and occupied in for the past 9 months. I embark from my settled dorm-room life into the real world, and although it's frightening I think it's about time I flew away on my own wings, no?

On another note, an unpractical birthday wish list! (Mostly because I never truly ask people for things!)

1. An external hard drive
2. Money would be delightful
3. The Sims 3
4. A nifty hat, like a REAL beret, top hat, or boater hat
5. A bunny ♥
6. A tea set

This was meant to have an outfit post, but I couldn't find an opportune time or place to take it!



Geek Girl said...

20 to me was that in between age, you just out of your teens, but not hit the big milestone of 21 yet. Still a big deal though yes! hope your birthday is great!

jammyislove said...

20 is an important age.When your twenty years old your practically and adult .. even though you can't drink yet but still 20 is an important mask. && btw your list actually seems like something people could get you and it wouldn't be to much to ask for.

jammyislove said...

i meant to say agee * not mask
and too much not to much /


I like that about the bodysuit as well, all innocent and sweet from the front and all vixen from the back! ;)

thanks honey (great mask btw, abso-positively cool!)


Damsels said...

lovely mask

thats so great you'll be 21?
We Were Damsels

Thanks for the lovely comment we really appreciate you stopping by our blog

Sharon said...

Hi there-a lovely birthday wishlist, hope you get what you want!

terren said...

SIMS 3!!!!!!!!!!! I have it and it's beautiful and wonderful and my entire life right now and I really hope you get it so I don't sound soo super crazy and so that you will be able to relate :)
happy birthday, too. you're still young, don't worry too much

Kim said...

20 for me was surreal, I realized I would never be a teenager again. Kind of heavy but true, I say seize all opportunities that come your way right now because we get a bit stuck once we are settled into our careers. Hope you have a great b-day!

easytravel said...

Thanks for share.nice blog. See you on my blog. I'll wait your coming

Anonymous said...

ooo im turning 20 next year! it seems so much older than 19, you must tell me how it feels!

Kira Aderne said...

Hello my dear dear Christina!

First of all, Happy Birthday!!!
I wish you my best and I also wish you that you have a really really long and happy life!

You are so sweet and I adore all I see here!!
The sims is also so cool! I really have fun playing once in a while! I miss that now!

a kiss and a hug from Brazil,


Vintage Lollipops said...

Ah, love this post. And I gotta say... these pics are pretty damn fantastic! Wishing you an amazing birthday... hope all your wishes come true. xx

sammy said...

yay! mask! i am reading your blog and stalking you on ebay <3<3 hearts come visit!

FA (LONDON) said...


Love the blog. I live in London, UK
and I myself am turning 20 on the 22nd FEB.

Everything you said on the first couple of paragraphs really mirror what I myself have started to think.

I actually quite don't understand why I feel so scared about this..
But b-days can be really frightening! It is like a self evaluation moment...

Anyways I hope your are enjoying your 20's and I wish you the best!

P.S. You write really well! Really!

All the best to you.

FA (London)